Mask Group 33
Let’s do this! How can I order?

If you’re wondering what the best way to get started is, I recommend the Premium Starter kit, because it has been carefully and thoughtfully made to help bring wellness into your home. Depending on what your needs are, you can either start with an oil collection (which comes with a diffuser too!) or the Thieves low-tox home collection. Whatever you choose, by purchasing your kit or making a customized order, you will be getting a membership account which guarantees a 24% discount for all potential future purchases (no monthly orders, fees or sales are ever required!), me as your mentor and a person to guide you on this journey and a whole community of resources, online education and support!

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Lets get started! Click here and follow these simple steps! Continue as a brand partner, it guarantees you -24% off any future purchases.


First, you will cre­ate a pro­file (free). Skip the starter kits, tick NO at Es­sen­tial Re­wards and click “con­tinue with­out a starter kit”.


Fill in your de­tails, don’t for­get to note your pass­word and PIN, tick “in­di­vid­ual” at comis­sions and agree to the terms & con­di­tions. Make sure my ID num­ber (19940942) is in the spon­sor/en­roller fields so that we can stay con­nected and we can make this jour­ney to­gether!


Now the fun part! Pick your Starter kit or cus­tomize your order.You have two op­tions for how to make your pur­chase, choose the one which best suits your needs.


Essential Re­wards order  is a pur­chase with the perks of the YL loy­alty pro­gram. No fees, no oblig­a­tions! The Es­sen­tial Re­wards pro­gram re­wards you for every pur­chase.


10-25% in points, which you can use to shop for free on the Young Liv­ing web­site. You also get promo gifts in your or­ders and cheaper ship­ping.

It means, that if you de­cide to pur­chase your prod­ucts this way, you’ll al­ready get 10% points back on your first order (thats 14€ to spend next time you shop!) and this is def­i­nitely my fa­vourite ben­e­fit! 


Click on sec­tion “Es­sen­tial Re­wards“ in your Vir­tual Of­fice, a cat­a­logue pops up so you can choose your prod­ucts or your pre­mium starter kit, add it to your bas­ket and click on “save monthly order“ at the bot­tom of the page.” Pick “stan­dard au­to­ship” when you get to ship­ping, choose today‘s date to dis­patch your order and add your pay­ment method (Visa, Mas­ter­card nebo Pay­pal). Fi­nally, save your monthly order.


One-time order is a clas­sic one time pur­chase.


Click on sec­tion “One-time order“ in the Vir­tual Of­fice, use the cat­a­logue to choose your prod­ucts or your pre­mium starter kit, add it to your bas­ket and click on “pay­ment” at the bot­tom of the page.” Pick “stan­dard non-au­to­ship” when you get to ship­ping and add your pay­ment method (Visa, Mas­ter­card nebo Pay­pal) then con­firm your order.


Done! Now you will re­ceive a con­fir­ma­tion e-mail and you can start get­ting ex­cited to get your pack­age soon!

The pack­age is on its way…. and now what?


You’ll re­ceive a wel­come email from me with a spe­cific guide to the pre­mium starter kit so you can put your news oils to good use, plus other use­ful in­for­ma­tion which will help you to learn how to use Young Liv­ing es­sen­tial oils or plant-based prod­ucts. Be­fore your box ar­rives, you can start learn­ing and def­i­nitely don’t hes­i­tate to ask me any ques­tions!




The best part is, you are not alone in this. I will add you to our Face­book groups, where you’ll find plenty of tips, recipes and ex­pe­ri­ences that will help you cre­ate your new rou­tine with es­sen­tial oils. You’ll learn plenty of new things and you can also con­nect with like-minded peo­ple, all shar­ing and lov­ing their low-tox lifestyles!


Thank you for your trust and I can’t wait for you to start your new jour­ney!

co ted
3 months to low­tox home

Low-tox liv­ing is the holis­tic ap­proach of elim­i­nat­ing all harm­ful chem­i­cals from every­day life with the goal of achiev­ing a healthy mind, body and planet.

Let’s begin the trans­for­ma­tion of your home into a plant based low-tox en­vi­ron­ment. You’ll learn how in just 3 short months you can switch all your house­hold prod­ucts for health­ier al­ter­na­tives, with­out extra ex­penses.

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