o me
Hello there! I am Sharka.
I am an ex­tro­verted in­tro­vert, min­i­mal­ist and I be­lieve in liv­ing my life to the fullest!

How did I start with our change?

Be­fore I said “yes“ to es­sen­tial oils and a low-tox lifestyle, I didn’t know much. Our health sit­u­a­tion forced me to start se­ri­ously think­ing about what more I could do to get back on the right track. I was ex­hausted, stressed, sleep de­prived, my kids were often sick and I wasn’t far be­hind. I thought I’d tried it all… fi­nally, on my doc­tor’s rec­om­men­da­tion I learned about the pow­er­ful ef­fect of es­sen­tial oils. I spent days and weeks doing my own re­search; how es­sen­tial oils work, how they in­ter­act with our bod­ies, how to de­tect the qual­ity which de­ter­mines the end re­sult… I def­i­nitely used my own in­stinct, I put my doubts aside and de­cided to get my own set of oils! And that “yes“ changed my life.

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What es­sen­tial oils mean to me? 

Today, I cannot really imagine my everyday life without them. These tiny bottles with great power helped us to take better care of our physical and mental health. This is why I now love to help and mentor those of you who want to learn about using essential oils and transition your homes to plant based low-tox environments. We get to choose to be proactive with our health, how our children are raised and what habits we hope to instill in them. It’s never too late to begin.

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My favourite oils



My very reason, why I got interested in essential oils and why I got my Premium Starter kit. This powerful blend of clove, cinnamon, lemon, rosemary and eucalyptus made me fall in love right away, not only for its Christmassy scent but most importantly for it’s immune boosting effect. It’s an oil that has saved our immunity!




An essential oil which surprised me the most because actually I‘ve never liked its scent! Young Living‘s Lavender is far away from the classic ones, it is distilled out of a population of different kinds of lavender, not just from a single type of lavender cloned from seeds. It was also the first oil which helped us to fix our sleep issues and since then, I use it every night!



Who tries it once, never looks back and never returns to toxic perfumes. A blend of black spruce, blue tansy, frankincense, geranium and camphor wood, it is a dreamy combo of essential oils which can boost your confidence, restore emotional balance and overall calm. It is my “courage in a bottle“!

I love connecting with like-minded ladies,
so please reach out
I am happy to answer all of your questions and get you started!