EO & difuzery

Es­sen­tial oils & dif­fusers

An es­sen­tial oil is ac­tu­ally a highly con­cen­trated plant com­po­nent, rather than an oil. They can be dis­tilled from var­i­ous parts of a plant, in­clud­ing leaves, flow­ers, fruits, woods and seeds. Be­fore I de­cided to in­vest in es­sen­tial oils I wanted to know more about qual­ity, which is a deal­breaker for the end ef­fect. I did my own re­search, landed on a cou­ple of brands, and Young Liv­ing def­i­nitely won the con­test. Why?

Plainly and sim­ply – not all oils are cre­ated equally. Un­for­tu­nately, some es­sen­tial oils are laced with syn­thet­ics or wa­tered down, mean­ing that you may not get the ex­pe­ri­ence you are hop­ing for. The qual­ity and func­tion­al­ity of an es­sen­tial oil is de­ter­mined by the source plant, its dis­til­la­tion and test­ing. Be­hind every bot­tle of 100% pure and nat­ural es­sen­tial oil there is so much work! Young Liv­ing has been in the es­sen­tial oil in­dus­try for nearly 30 years, they have their own farms all over the world and they are in charge of the pro­duc­tion process, from the seed plan­ta­tion to dis­til­la­tion. That means, they are the only ones in the world who can con­trol the en­tire process and they set their own stan­dards and norms for qual­ity. This process is called Seed to Seal.


Young Liv­ing do not buy their plants for es­sen­tial oil pro­duc­tion, rather they grow them at their own farms in more than 30 dif­fer­ent coun­tries. The plants can thrive in suit­able con­di­tions which is cru­cial for the strength and po­tency of a plant. The se­cret of qual­ity and pu­rity of es­sen­tial oils, stands on farms and dis­til­leries where grow­ing, har­vest­ing and dis­till­ing is care­fully over­seen.

YL es­sen­tial oils are highly con­cen­trated, so you only need few drops and your home in­stantly smells like heaven. But es­sen­tial oils are not just beau­ti­ful scents, they pri­mar­ily have ther­a­peu­tic ben­e­fits so it is very im­por­tant to in­vest in high qual­ity oils.

Ul­tra­sonic dif­fusers

Ther­a­peu­tic grade es­sen­tial oils and a high qual­ity dif­fuser go hand in hand, one doesn‘t work with­out the other.

What to look out for when choos­ing an ul­tra­sonic diffuser?

Not all ul­tra­sonic dif­fusers are the same. Maybe you are think­ing, you al­ready have a dif­fuser and you don’t need a new one. But let’s look at a few sim­ple cri­te­ria which every qual­ity dif­fuser should meet. If a dif­fuser is not ef­fi­cient, the aro­mather­apy might not have the ef­fect you’re hop­ing for.

Ul­tra­sonic plate – De­ter­mines the ef­fi­ciency of a dif­fuser. The ul­tra­sonic dif­fuser dis­penses mi­cro­scopic par­ti­cles of es­sen­tial oils into the air in the form of cold steam (es­sen­tial oils should never be warmed up be­cause they’ll use all their ther­a­peu­tic ef­fects). The es­sen­tial oil micro-mol­e­cules are cre­ated by the move­ment of a plate which cre­ates ul­tra­sonic waves. Young Liv­ing dif­fusers have a metal ul­tra­sonic plate which en­sures a high os­cil­la­tion. It is also pos­si­ble to change the plate with­out hav­ing to change the en­tire dif­fuser.

Plas­tic – Even if you might pre­fer glass or wooden dif­fusers, this is only the ex­te­rior de­sign. The in­side is al­ways plas­tic and it is im­por­tant that it’s high qual­ity. Highly con­cen­trated, pure es­sen­tial oils are so strong, they can etch cheap plas­tic.

Easy use – We don’t want to spend 5 mins fill­ing up and turn­ing our dif­fuser on. It is best to be able to quickly re­move the dif­fuser lids while set­ting it up. With YL dif­fusers you don’t need to screw any­thing on, it only takes a few sec­onds to have a dif­fuser up and run­ning.


How did I start with es­sen­tial oils?

I got the Pre­mium Starter kit be­cause I wanted to cover sev­eral of our needs, es­pe­cially im­mu­nity and sleep. Be­cause there is a free dif­fuser in the kit, I could start not only dif­fus­ing but also using es­sen­tial oils top­i­cally (di­luted based on age) to en­sure a faster ef­fect. I also mixed up my own air fresh­ener, clean­ing spray and face serum. Using es­sen­tial oils reg­u­larly, mak­ing a few sim­ple DIY’s, get­ting rid of all the nasty chem­i­cals from our home and switch­ing to clean and nat­ural clean­ing prod­ucts, per­sonal care prod­ucts and cos­met­ics, led to a real lifestyle change.

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Isn’t it enough just get­ting a dif­fuser and few es­sen­tial oils?

A dif­fuser and a cou­ple of es­sen­tial oils doesn‘t give us many op­tions and can­not be con­sid­ered a lifestyle change. If you de­cide to buy a dif­fuser and some es­sen­tial oils in a store (if they are pure and not di­luted), you’ll pay more than for a pre­mium starter kit from Young Liv­ing. There are 12 es­sen­tial oils, in­clud­ing pricey blends like Thieves, Stress Away, and R.C., which are patented recipes you can only find at Young Liv­ing. The starter kit oils are hands down my favourite and most used oils in the house!

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