
Wel­come to my well­ness world

I am Sharka and this is Emma & Maé, we are so glad you are here!

I am a mom, wife, en­tre­pre­neur and a well­ness coach and I am pas­sion­ate about shar­ing my jour­ney through moth­er­hood, min­i­mal­ism and our low-tox lifestyle. Pe­tite Oil­ers was in­spired by my kid­dos be­cause es­sen­tial oils are a big part of their daily rou­tine and they were at the very be­gin­ning of our lifestyle change. I love to help and men­tor those of you, who want to learn about using es­sen­tial oils and how to tran­si­tion your homes into plant based low-tox en­vi­ron­ments. We get to choose to be proac­tive with our health, how our chil­dren are raised and what habits we hope to in­still in them. It’s never too late to begin!

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Let’s walk together towards wellness

You prob­a­bly have your own rea­sons why you want to change your lifestyle and live health­ier. My main rea­son was the health of my kids, they were often sick and I was ex­hausted, sleep de­prived and stressed. If you want to work on a cer­tain need or maybe you are just sim­ply in­ter­ested in the pre­ven­ta­tive ap­proach, or ther­a­peu­tic grade es­sen­tial oils and high-qual­ity nat­ural prod­ucts, you are in the right place. I hope you will feel like you are at home and that you’ll find some­thing which will help you bet­ter your life.

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Turn your home into a healthy oasis

Turn­ing my home into a low-tox en­vi­ron­ment full of de­li­cious scents has been one of the best de­ci­sions I’ve ever made. I be­lieve every­thing starts at home, and using es­sen­tial oils, cre­at­ing new habits and keep­ing our home free from toxic chem­i­cals, helps us to pre­serve the most valu­able thing we all have – our health.

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Start your ad­ven­ture
Es­sen­tial oils, plant based nat­ural prod­ucts and your per­sonal well­ness coach to guide you to­wards your lifestyle change
plant based
I will help you pick which es­sen­tial oils suit your needs best and how to use them cor­rectly & safely
Ther­a­peu­tic grade es­sen­tial oils and a high qual­ity dif­fuser go hand in hand, one doesn‘t work with­out the other. What to look out for when choos­ing an ul­tra­sonic dif­fuser?
Did you know, detox­ing your home doesn’t need to be over­whelm­ing? I will give you use­ful tips about how to switch prod­ucts and use 100% nat­ural ones, based on es­sen­tial oils, with no stress or break­ing the bank.
Pre­mium Starter Kit

What is the best way to start mak­ing small changes, step by step, that gives you the most mean­ing­ful re­sult? I started with a Pre­mium Starter Kit, a beau­ti­ful set of the 12 most pop­u­lar es­sen­tial oils and a qual­ity dif­fuser, at the best price. It was all I needed to begin my lifestyle change!

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online courses

Every­one starts some­where. I am happy to guide you and walk be­side you on this new jour­ney and I also have free on­line courses which will ease your way while learn­ing all about low-tox liv­ing.

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3 months to low­tox home

Low-tox liv­ing is a holis­tic ap­proach of elim­i­nat­ing all harm­ful chem­i­cals from every­day life, with the goal of achiev­ing a healthy mind, body and planet.
Let’s begin the trans­for­ma­tion of your home into a plant based low-tox en­vi­ron­ment. You’ll learn how, in just 3 short months, you can switch all your house­hold prod­ucts for health­ier al­ter­na­tives, with­out any extra ex­pense.

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